Ask any woman about the one thing that they find most attractive in a man and they will tell you that it is confidence. Ask any dating guru about the top three characteristics a man should develop to become successful with women and his answer will include confidence. Ask any billionaire what the most important thing to achieving unparalleled success is and he will say that it’s self-confidence.
It’s no secret that confidence is one of the most essential ingredients for success, not only with women but in any area of life. But the infuriating thing about confidence is that it can sometimes be hard to define. In fact, for every hundred people that tell you that to succeed you must become confident, only one will actually be able to tell you how to go about becoming confident.
I’m a strong believer that it is in fact competence that breeds confidence. The only way to feel confident doing something is to do it a thousand and one times. Lionel Messi is confident in front of goal because he feels competent. He knows that he’s scored this exact same goal, from this exact same angle a thousand times in training, so he has no reason to doubt his self-confidence.
Richard Branson feels confident taking a risky business decision because he’s made a thousand risky decisions that have taught him to trust his gut instinct. Likewise, the successful ladies man is self-confident when interacting with women because he’s pushed himself into a similar situation a thousand times before.
But what happens when a person has deep rooted fears and anxiety issues that stand in the way of becoming competent? For example, a person who falls off a horse and is seriously injured will know that the best way to become confident on horseback again is to get back in the saddle as soon as possible. But sometimes he or she might not be able to do so because of the deep rooted anxiety associated with riding horseback.
Likewise, a man might have a crippling case of social anxiety because of a traumatic and embarrassing experience from his past which makes it damn near impossible for him to contemplate approaching a strange woman. In such a case, approaching a thousand women to become confident with women really isn’t an option.
This is why hypnosis is such a great tool for building confidence when the usual route of building competence isn’t an option. For one, hypnosis can help you change the way your mind perceives past experiences that might have a negative effect on your current state.
For example, if a man has had an incredibly embarrassing experience in his childhood with girls, and is therefore afraid of interacting with women, hypnosis can help him banish the negative feelings associated with the memories and re-mould his perceptions of what interacting with women involves.
For example, if could be that a girl rejected him in front of a whole room of people in third grade and he was ridiculed and called out on it for a year. Hypnosis would help such a man disassociate the negative emotions related to this experience and reengineer his perception of what interacting with women will be like.
Lack of confidence is closely tied with uncertainty and the fear of the unknown. A lot of people do not feel confident in certain situations in life because they are uncertain of what the outcome would be. For example, a man might not feel confident approaching strange women because he’s uncertain of what kind of responses he’d receive from them and because his mind keeps delving into all sorts of worst-case scenarios that could occur.
Hypnosis can help in such an instance by removing negative feelings and replacing them with positive thoughts and emotions. For example, by using hypnosis you can program your mind to associate feelings of confidence and self-worth with the act of approaching women. Hypnosis can also help by enabling you to mentally rehearse specific situations in your mind and establish triggers for positive emotions when faced with these situations.
For example, hypnosis can be used to rehearse the act of approaching a beautiful woman in public and can also be used to instill triggers for good emotions when thinking about doing it. So that when you finally do approach a woman in public, these triggers will be activated and you will be filled with positive emotions.
Not only has hypnosis been shown to be extremely effective in alleviating feelings of anxiety and stress and improving confidence, it is also extremely easy to learn and administer. The days of consulting expensive hypnotherapists to deal with your issues are long passed. These days there are countless programs offering guidance for self-hypnosis sessions designed to tackle your confidence issues.
I myself have put together a five part audio program called Radical Inner Game that uses hypnosis and self-hypnosis techniques to help you harness the power of your subconscious mind to improve your confidence and all other aspects of your dating life.
All the best,