Tag Archives: outer game

Do You Have Game? What It Takes To Become a Master Seducer

Radical Inner Game

So what really is game? How do we define it, and how exactly do we go about getting it?

It’s these two questions that I want to dive into in today’s article. You see, game is a pretty illusive concept. For instance, just because you know a hundred different openers and a few dozen routines doesn’t mean you have game.

In fact, there are thousands of guys out there who don’t know any openers or any routines, and still have more game than half of today’s pickup gurus put together.

So here’s how I define game – You have game when you are able to successfully open, attract, build comfort with and seduce a woman. Simple as that.
There’s no need to complicate things with technical jargon and theories; like we sometimes tend to in the pickup community.

Can you open?

Opening is the first and most crucial step of any seduction scenario. I mean, let’s be honest. If you can’t open a woman you can’t really attract her. And if you can’t attract her, you definitely can’t seduce her.

So ask yourself this: can you walk up to an unknown woman – without freezing up, chickening out or making her want to throw her drink at you off the bat – and initiate an interaction in a way that will make her curious about you? If you cannot, then you, my friend, lack the first and most important component of great game.

Now don’t get me wrong, if you’re new to this you will freeze up, you will chicken out, and you will probably get blown out in the most humiliating of ways at the start. But that’s just part of the learning curve. Put yourself out there and treat every interaction as an opportunity to learn.

Sure you might make a few girls nervous at first, but that’ll teach you to approach in a non-threatening way. Sure you might bore a few girls at first, but you’ll also learn about energy levels and conversation skills. Sure you might even have a few drinks thrown at you, but you’ll learn to be outcome independent and not take yourself too seriously. And before you know it, you’ll be able to open any woman in any given situation.

Can you create attraction?

Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve started a conversation up with an attractive woman and felt her interest seem to decline as the interaction progresses?

More often than not this is a result of a failure to build attraction and keep things moving towards a romantic or sexual outcome. You see, attractive women don’t have time to keep making friends with every guy who comes and starts up a conversation with them. Sure, some of them may be nice and polite, but the chances are that if you’re not going to man up and keep things moving forward, she’s going to get bored and move on.

Here’s the thing, it doesn’t matter if you’re an opening machine and can start up a conversation with any woman. If you can’t move the interaction forward and build attraction, you’re missing another crucial component of game.

So once you’ve mastered the task of opening, focus on being able to generate attraction. Pay attention to the things you do that seem to get a girl interested in you. For example, if you notice that she twirls her hair and playfully slaps you on the arm every time you tease her, you need to make note to do this more.

Learning to build attraction takes time, simply because there are such a huge variety of factors that play a part in making a woman feel attracted to you. But stick at it, learn and be observant, and soon you’ll know exactly what you need to say and do to each and every type of woman to make her feel attracted to you.

Can you build comfort?

Now I’m not going to tell you that every woman wants the same thing from a man, but almost every girl needs to feel some sort of comfort before she’ll be ready to jump into bed with you. Some girls might want to know that you’re up for a long term commitment, and some girls might just need to know that you’ll call them the day after.

And some might simply want to know that you’ll at least drop them home after. My point is that if you don’t know how to create this level of comfort with a girl, you’re lacking another important component of game.

So what does it take to build comfort? A girl will feel comfortable enough to go home with you when she feels that she can trust you and that she has rapport with you.

For instance, you can build trust by letting her see how you take care of your friends and the people around you. And you can build rapport by finding commonalities and things that you are both passionate about.

Can you seduce her?

The two biggest obstacles in pickup are opening and seduction. And let’s be honest, if doesn’t mean jack if you can open, attract and build comfort with a girl if you can’t eventually seduce her. The ability to successfully seduce a woman is the fourth and last component of great game, without which all other aspects of game become useless.

Do you have confidence?

At the end of the day, the most important factor towards great game is the confidence to put all of this together. Because you see, game, isn’t just a collection of routines and gimmicks. It’s actually a state of mind. A way of being. And the only way to develop confidence in your game is by becoming competent at it. And the only way to do that is to actively learn and develop these four aspects of game that I’ve spoken about above.

Let’s be honest; this article alone isn’t going to teach you great game. And the point of it isn’t to teach you great game. What I hope that you take away from this article is the ability to honestly analyze your game in terms of your opening skills, attraction building abilities, comfort building abilities and seduction techniques, and work on whichever areas that you may be lacking in. And once you do that, you will well and truly have game.

Well you don’t have to memorize any of this. There are ways to transform yourself into a natural and truly becoming the man you really want to be, without any conscious effort at all.
Check out this amazing video bellow:

[Click here to view your free 17-minute video training]

The Fundamentals of Dating: Inner Game vs. Outer Game


Think of yourself as a computer. A big shiny computer with a thirty two inch hi-definition LCD monitor, a thumping speaker system, and all the other ultra-cool accessories that money can buy. Sounds pretty darn awesome right? Well the thing is, you won’t be worth toss if you don’t have the right software backing you up.

Oh people will see you and be intrigued for sure, even intrigued enough to sit down next to you and start you up. But once they realize that you’re no smoother than the rickety old desktop they’ve got back home, they’re going to move on fast, if not sooner.

A pickup artiste or seducer in many ways is like a computer. The things that he says, the routines that he runs and the clothes that he wears are his hardware accessories; this is his outer game. But none of that means very much if he doesn’t have strong inner game backing it all up.

So what is inner game?

In the most simple of terms, inner game is how you see yourself and the world around you. And this view is tempered by your beliefs, your goals and visions, your life experiences and your sense of self worth.

So why is inner game important?

It helps you have fun

I don’t know about you, but for me to commit to something completely, I need to enjoy what I’m doing, and seducing women is no exception. And the fact of the matter is if you spend a good part of your interactions with women worrying about what you’re going to say next and how she’s going to respond, your interactions aren’t going to be much fun.

To be honest they’ll start feeling like a chore and you’ll find yourself burning out pretty darn soon. So your bigger picture really should be to rise above the canned lines and the rehearsed routines to become a naturally seductive person that is able to commit completely and wholeheartedly to an interaction and have fun while doing so.

Inner game is an integral aspect of becoming that naturally seductive person. Becoming a naturally seductive human being requires serious improvements in your beliefs, self-image and sense of self-worth and also serious changes in your views of male-female relationship dynamics. Inner game is a huge part of making those changes.

It helps you become congruent

Another reason why inner game is crucial to your success is that it helps you become congruent with whatever it is you’re saying. And if there’s one thing about women, it’s that they can smell incongruence like a sniffer dog with a hard-on for the truth. Women are incredibly intuitive creatures and can sense it when a man doesn’t believe what he himself is saying. And they find such men supremely unattractive. After all, why should a desirable woman listen to and value a man that doesn’t place much value on his own words?

Strong inner game helps you be congruent with what you say and what you do by seamlessly connecting your conscious and subconscious. If you’re telling a woman a story about the time you rescued your ex-girlfriend from a bunch of stalkers following her home, but your subconscious is screaming that you’re a lying, wimpy son of a bitch, she will sense this and blow you out faster than you can say bullshit.

It helps your outer game

The thing about seduction is that it’s mostly a non-verbal game. Have you ever experienced an instance where you walked up to a beautiful woman and delivered the funniest damn line ever, only to have her stare at you blankly? This is because the instant you walk up to a woman she spends the first few seconds of the interaction sizing up your non-verbal communication before she really pays attention to whatever it is you’re saying.

The wonderful thing about having strong inner game is that it seeps into your outer game through your non-verbal communication. Strong inner game knocks out neediness, approval seeking and try hard indicators from your non-verbal communication and replaces them with a relaxed and positive vibe, which women respond strongly to.

A common ailment that a lot of aspiring PUAs and seducers suffer from is the train of thought that seduction is a window of opportunity that they need to sneak through before a woman takes stock of what’s going on. This usually stems from low self-confidence and a lack of belief that they are men that are worthy of an attractive woman’s attentions and romantic pursuits.

So if you find yourself worrying about sneaking past a woman’s barriers before she figures out the ‘real you’, you’re doing it all wrong. A woman will eventually see past your lines and routines and peer into your faults and shortcomings. This might not always happen before you’ve charmed her into sleeping with you, but it will eventually happen. So take responsibility for yourself and your own inner game to help yourself become the type of man that a woman will fall more in love with each day.

If you want to tap into your inner-game I developed a system called Radical Inner Game that automatically installs seductive traits directly into your subconscious mind, see the video below:
